Sakasai, Kashiwa
takes about 7 minitues of walk to the nearest station. location is perfect with quite sorroundings. neighbors are nice too to help you around. house is currently occupied. please send me an email for next availability
Toyoshiki, Kashiwa
takes about 9 minitues of walk to the nearest station. aparment was painted with new color on March 2012. two universities locate fairly close. using TX, Akihabara is close enough to visit there on weekends. internet, FTTH, is free to use as soon as you starting renting the room. please hurry to book the room right now before someone gets this. we have currently only one room available
Kitakashiwa, Kashiwa
takes about 9 minitues of walk to the nearest station. aparment is not new, but renovated inside well enough. rooms are slightly larger than LunaScente II. internet, FTTH, is free to use as soon as you starting renting the room. please hurry to book the room right now before someone gets this. we have currently one room available now